We are an European group of people interested in the observation of local and international air traffic.

What is ADS-B?

Aircraft automatically transmit their position, speed, altitude and other interesting information with their ADS-B transponder. This data is primarily used for air traffic control, but also for analysis of aircraft movements by companies, associations and authorities.

Why join us?

Whether out of interest in (radio) technology, development of hardware and software, or simply in unfiltered air traffic:
Every antenna in the network matters ‒ especially to improve coverage at low altitudes!

Through an extensive network of receiving stations, everyone contributes their part to the information variety.

I am interested!

Take the opportunity to talk with other ADS-B enthusiasts, experiment, and build or expand your knowledge. Learn how to assemble, build and operate your own ADS-B receiver to monitor air traffic in your region.

If you already operate your own ADS-B receiver or require advice in selecting the best hardware for your location, contact us using the contact options below.

We would be happy to welcome you as a new member in our project.

